Thursday, September 2, 2010

Letter of introduction

            My name is Krista Heastan. Im twenty-five years old. I was born and raised in Saint Joseph, Missouri. Where I later attended Benton High School and graduated in May of 2004.
           Right after high school, I got pregnant with my first son. i decided that i needed to make a furture for me and him. I enrolled in cosmetology in the fall of 2005. When I then went on the get my cosmetology license.
           I now work at Knockouts Hair salon. I also work for the YMCA. I have worked there for 3 years in childcare, I love working with childern and getting to see my own everyday. I also love being a stylist. I love doing hair just dont feel that is what i want to do for the rest of my life. That is why I have decided to further my education and get my degree in elementary education with a emphis in special education.
           I have three little boys. Their names are Javon, Tay'Shon and Kavion. They are five, three and one. I adore them, they are my life and the reason I want to make the best life for them as i can.
         I have four sister and one brother. I have a handful of neices and nephews. I love being an aunt.
        As far a reading and wrtting goes im not a big fan of it. I only do what I have too. I love reading magazines. Im always ready and willing to learn new things. I would also love to read outside of school if i could find the time.


  1. Hi Krista,

    Thank you for sharing. It seems as though you have your hands full with work and three young sons.

    What sort of magazines do you enjoy reading? Any particular subject? I know that you are pressed for time, but even though you don't enjoy reading books, I encourage you to read as much as you can (even if it is magazine articles).

    Ms. Chastain

  2. Ms. Chastain

    Thank your for reading my blog. I enjoy reading Parenting magazines. I'm always looking for new ideals to make the best for my boys. I love reading articles on bedtime routines, because that is where i seem to have problems. I also like reading OK magazine. I love reading about all the drama in other peoples life.

  3. Hi Krista,

    Well you certainly aren't alone. A colleague wrote an essay about Parenting and Google this summer, you may be interested in reading it :) It is hilarious. It discusses how technology drives parenthood.

    Ms. C
