Friday, September 10, 2010

On Becoming a Chicano . Question for reflection #1

I have never really defined my race as other than a white girl. I have never really  had to struggle growing up with any racial comments. I always grew up around white people. There fore the was nothing to be said.
Granted that I have always dated outside of my race,  so I find myself being called the “white girl” when I’m around his family. They never use my name. When I walk in they are always saying when did the “white girl” get here. I find it very disrespectful that they don’t call me by my name. I  show them respect by calling them by their names so I feel they should do they same for me .
I also have mixed kids. I don’t want them growing up with any racial comments either. I feel that everyone should be treated the same regardless what their race is. I don’t think people should be singled out just because their skin is a different color than others. I don’t want my kids to grow up with people asking them why is your mom white and your dad black? I want them to know that they have a mom and dad regardless what are skin colors are just like everyone else.
My son is two and I find him using the word “nigger” I have to explain to him that is not a word we use and I  don’t allow that word to be said in my house. I think that is a very disrespectful word and I consider that as a bad word in my house and u are punished for saying it. I think everyone should have the respect by not using words like that. My son feels that it is ok to use those words because his dads side of the family does. I want him growing up not taught those words and not to use those words.

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