Sunday, September 5, 2010

"Right of Passage" Question # 1

        This story reminds me of my grandfather William. He is the father of my mother Marcia. I have two grandfathers and this one in particular is very special to me.
When I was little girl he was hardly ever around. I didn’t see him much, but when I did see him he always made it the best week. When he would visit he always stayed for a week. He always brought presents and always took us it was kind of like a birthday or Christmas he always had something planned for us. When he left, the next time he came couldn’t come fast enough. I counted down the days till he would be here again.
He never lived in Saint Joseph, MO. He had always lived in Knobnoster, MO. So it was hard to visit him as much as I liked cause it was a three hour drive. I always made a effort to at least call him once a week and check in to make sure he was doing ok.  I always asked how he was doing, if he had done anything exciting that week, and how life in general was treating him. He always replied “ I’m great sweetheart and How are you?” I would go on to tell him how my week was.
As I got older, and could drive on my own, I tired to visit him and least twice a month. Since his visits started getting less. I was made sure to check in and make sure he was doing ok.
When I was about 17 his health started going down hill very quickly and this worried me very much. I felt like I was always worrying> the thought of what if something happens to him and no ones there. I thought about it all the time and finally told my mom she should talk him to moving here. Where he could be close to his family. My mom finally convinced him to move him so we could look after him. In the spring of 2008 he moved up here to live with my mother. Where she could look after him. It was just like when I was a little girl, but got the experiencing of seeing him everyday and it was great. I felt stressed relieved off my shoulders cause I knew everything was going to be ok.
In the winter of 2009, He and my father got into and argument causing him to move back to Knobnoster. I was devastated. I didn’t want him to go anywhere. I knew the stress would soon be back of me worrying so much about him. It didn’t last long though. My mom started getting phone calls every other day saying that he was back in the hospital and could no longer take care of his self any longer. I Could take it any longer I needed him to be up here so we could look after him and make sure he was getting the care he needed. He refused and refused and just kept telling us that he would die down there alone.
My mom finally got power of attorney. She informed him that he had two options, one was to move back to Saint Joseph, or two be put in a nursing home. Sure enough he decided to move back here. The end of July, me and my father went to Knobnoster, packed his stuff and moved him here. Where he now stays with my uncle, where we all pitch in and help take care of him.
Now he is delusional and hardly ever knows what he is doing or what is going on, but its still just like I was I a little girl. We still make our weekly phone calls. I still ask him how he’s doing, if he had done anything exciting and how life in general is treating him. He always replies I’m great sweetheart and how are you? No matter how rough his week was and I know that he had it rough he always wants me to think he’s great.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Krista,

    Thank you for sharing. You begin the the first paragraph with the dialogue of your grandfather. "I'm great, sweetheart. How are you?" And you end it the very same. You tell a story ultimately, which is a personal narrative and as readers we can tell just how important he is to you.
