Sunday, December 12, 2010

class evaluation

Ø  If your reading and writing practices have changed since this class, how have they been modified because of English 100? I feel that i have had a great improvement from the first task paper to the last task paper. I have came along way i feel i have the understanding of what you are looking for. I know that i allow myself enough time i can have a really good outcome on my papers.
Ø  How have you become a better reader and/or writer? I have become a better reading because i have let my fear of reading in front of people go. I don't fell pressure when i read out loud anymore.
Ø  How has the blog encouraged you to write more thoroughly or has it not? 
Ø  What did you like about having a blog in a reading and writing course?I like having the blog i felt better connected with you. You responded very quickly if we have had any question or concerns. I also love the examples of papers that you posted it gave me a better understanding of what was going on and what to look for.
Ø  How is the blog similar to a journal? How is it different from a traditional journal? i think it is very similar to a journal instead of keeping it in a notebook we keep it online.
Ø  What kind of experience have you had for English 100? Please explain.I have had a very good experience in English 100 i feel like i have came along way, i cant wait to continue to English 104 with you.
Ø  What would you like to see change with this class including the smaller writing assignments and/or the task papers?I think everything was just fine in this class but always ok with change. 

Self evaluations task four

  • What is the thesis for your paper? Why i have trouble reading.

  • List the main points you make in your paper. Why i have trouble reading, why rodriguez just reads to be reading not because he enjoys 

  • What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation? I always find peer review helpful for many reasons, just for better ideas, sentence structure and fragments.  

  • What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper? Ways to make my paper better.

  • How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them? For example, did you compose at the keyboard, did you write lots of notes to yourself, did you pre-write or outline, did you write in small chunks of time or sit down and produce an entire draft at one sitting?i had two drafts, and i also had two outlines

  • What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on? Could have maybe used a few more quotes to compare me and Rodriguez. 

  • What are most pleased with about this paper? I think overall i did a good job on this paper i feel like i allowed myself enough time to get a good outcome.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

question # 1

I have never really read much because I find myself having to read the book more than once just to understand. I also have a better understanding when I read out loud. Those are probably some of the reasons i don't like to read, and then I find it really hard to find extra time to read any adult books. I read little kids all the time because i have three little boys that love to read. Now that i have taking a english I find myself wanting to read more and i do enjoy reading the essays we have for class.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Experiences with reading and writting

Ø  Before this course, what did you anticipate? I expected a a lot more papers, I also expected it to be more alone time not so much discussion time. Which i enjoy 
Ø  What were you unsure of and why? I thought we would have to read aloud all the time and before this class i really never like to read aloud, i was always embarrassed when reading in front of the class. 
Ø  Discuss your process as a reader and as a writer I feel that i have came a long way since the begininig of the class i find my self writing  good papers if i allow myself the time and as a reader i find it easier to read now and i enjoy reading outside of class.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Self evaluations task three

  • What is the thesis for your paper? I couldn't really find a thesis for this paper but the main point was that i was going to fail high school
  • List the main points you make in your paper.  I hung out with wrong crowd, was going to fail high school, i had to go to an alternative school to finish.
  • What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation? Finding a thesis, helping with fragments comparing the essay with my experiences
  • What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper? Things that i could do to improve my paper. Getting to read other peoples papers gave mea better idea
  • How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them? For example, did you compose at the keyboard, did you write lots of notes to yourself, did you pre-write or outline, did you write in small chunks of time or sit down and produce an entire draft at one sitting?. i did like 2 different drafts could have probably did more.
  • What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on? compare more to the essays.
  • What are most pleased with about this paper? i thought this paper was very hard to write not pleases with it.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Why i decided to go to college

 I decided to go to college because I felt I like  the job I was at was not my dream job. I thought that I wanted to be a hair stylist when I got out of high school, I went to Vatterotte College and got my cosmologist license and starting working in a salon and started to realize that is not a job I enjoyed. I love doing hair on the side just not on a day to day agenda. I always work in a daycare and I love working with kids and I have always wanted to be a elementary teacher, so I decided I would go back to school to pursue my dream. I also a little girl in one of my class that has inspired me to be a teacher in special education. I love being the one to make a difference in people life. So that is the reason I have decided to go back to college. Also the fact that being a teacher, and having I kids I would get all the same days off as them and I would not have to find addition childcare.

Monday, October 18, 2010

self evaluation for task two

  • What is the thesis for your paper? She now has three kids, a husband and her LPN license, she completed her dream. 
  • List the main points you make in your paper. Why she waited so long to go back. Some of the struggles she ha going back with three kids. Would she change her career choice. Working endless jobs 
  • What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation? Finding a thesis, helping with fragments 
  • What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper? Things that i could do to improve my paper.
  • How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them? For example, did you compose at the keyboard, did you write lots of notes to yourself, did you pre-write or outline, did you write in small chunks of time or sit down and produce an entire draft at one sitting? i had two drafts and i pre- wrote an outline and i also produce the entire draft in one session. 
  • What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on? i think i actually had a good handle on this paper, but could have used a few more supporting details. 
  • What are most pleased with about this paper? The outcome, i thought this paper was going to be difficult to write but in the end was actually pretty easy. 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

How my interview process went.

I dont think any questions that reamin. I think i have enough information to write my paper.
It went good when i  actually got the time to do it. She would either have something to do or i would have something come up so it was hard to meet up.
We started to conduct it at her house but, she had something come up and couldnt do it, so in the end she just emailed me the answers to the questions.
I learned that she worked really hard to achieve what he has, and also felt like she missed out on what her kids were doing.
Im still troubled on how im actually going to transition it to my writting process
I'm still concerned with how to actually turn my interview questions into a story.
I expect to overcome them with your feed back and also my peers feedback.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Becoming educated writers response question 1

What education means to me?

Education to me means success. Anymore these days you have to have some kind of education if u want to be successful in this economy. When looking and competing for jobs, they are always going to look for the person with a higher education. Education also means determination to me. If you are determined you will go far in life and let nothing set u back including getting the education to be a successful person in life.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Task Two Questions

!. Why did you return to school after being out for so many years?
2. Was it harder to attend school, now that you have children?
3. Do you plan on returning to get your RN and why?
4. Do you wish that you would have not waited so long to return to school and why?
5. Is there any other career choice that you would choose now that you have your LPN license and why?

I'm going to ask these questions because i want to know the struggles she had going back  to school after waiting so many years, and also doing it after having three kids. 

Monday, September 27, 2010

A Partial Remembrance of a Puerto Rican Childhood

Cuentos are particularly women stories beacuse that was a time for the women to escape from the men and sit around and tell stories to the  younger generations, to inform them of all the horrible stuff that men are capable of doing and performing. The older generations went through experiences in life wear the man would leave them at the alter and in a mans eyes there was nothing wrong with it. Mama wanted the younger females to be careful. She wanted them to beware of the situations and what men can do and will do.
Men would tell cuentos the same way the would go play baseball or catch and thats where they woould talk. They just didnt sit around like the girls did. The grandmother was the main storyteller for the females and the drandfather would be the main storyteller for the men.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Sister Flowers

I remember when I was fifteen and I was learning to drive, my parents both took me to practice daily.  I remember being so excited to learn and within months I would be on my own.  I remember one afternoon my dad was taking me driving around Krug Park.  I remember worrying that a small child would run out in the street, and he encouraged me to remain calm and alert.  As I drove around each corner looking closely to the children I found myself feeling more at ease knowing that my dad had every confidence in me and was patient with me as I learned.  After driving around the park for what seemed like hours at the time, he asked if I was confident enough to drive on the main streets and get us home.  I answered yes and off we went.  We made it home in one piece and the smile on my dads face when we arrived and him saying I'm proud of how well you did made me feel like I could do anything.  To this day my dad still remembers teaching me and makes the comment that that while teaching the rest of my sister to drive, if only it was as easy as it was with  Krista, I felt safe with her.

Friday, September 10, 2010

On Becoming a Chicano . Question for reflection #1

I have never really defined my race as other than a white girl. I have never really  had to struggle growing up with any racial comments. I always grew up around white people. There fore the was nothing to be said.
Granted that I have always dated outside of my race,  so I find myself being called the “white girl” when I’m around his family. They never use my name. When I walk in they are always saying when did the “white girl” get here. I find it very disrespectful that they don’t call me by my name. I  show them respect by calling them by their names so I feel they should do they same for me .
I also have mixed kids. I don’t want them growing up with any racial comments either. I feel that everyone should be treated the same regardless what their race is. I don’t think people should be singled out just because their skin is a different color than others. I don’t want my kids to grow up with people asking them why is your mom white and your dad black? I want them to know that they have a mom and dad regardless what are skin colors are just like everyone else.
My son is two and I find him using the word “nigger” I have to explain to him that is not a word we use and I  don’t allow that word to be said in my house. I think that is a very disrespectful word and I consider that as a bad word in my house and u are punished for saying it. I think everyone should have the respect by not using words like that. My son feels that it is ok to use those words because his dads side of the family does. I want him growing up not taught those words and not to use those words.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How it feels to be colored me. Question for refection #1

I would give myself many labels such as a single mother,  cook, maid, nurse and a teacher. You tend to get may labels when u become a mother. Not only are you providing for yourself you are providing for your childern. 
When I wake up I have to make breakfast, lunch and dinner that’s where the cook label comes in. I’m am constantly picking up after the people that live in my house that’s where the maid label comes in. When my kids are hurt or sick I’m the one to take care of the and help them feel better that’s where the nurse label comes in. I also a teacher label because I have to teach my my kids right from wrong, teach them to be the best they can be. 
It effects me on a day to day basis because I have to be all these people everyday. Its very time consuming to make sure everything is done and to make sure everyone is taking care of. Being a single mother can be hard and u do everything on your own. 
Its not always easy being judged sometimes I would just like people to look at me for me and not all the labels, especially the single mother label, people  think why is she a single mother, people  assume the worst when u have three kids and no husband. My grandma always said u should be married before you had kids so she labels me as a single mother. 

Sunday, September 5, 2010

What i would like to write for task 1

        I think I'm going to write about an event that lead up to part of family dis owning me. I am wanting to write about this cause its had me have a different understanding about life. I think problems that will arise are tears and confusion on why people do what the do.

"Right of Passage" Question # 1

        This story reminds me of my grandfather William. He is the father of my mother Marcia. I have two grandfathers and this one in particular is very special to me.
When I was little girl he was hardly ever around. I didn’t see him much, but when I did see him he always made it the best week. When he would visit he always stayed for a week. He always brought presents and always took us it was kind of like a birthday or Christmas he always had something planned for us. When he left, the next time he came couldn’t come fast enough. I counted down the days till he would be here again.
He never lived in Saint Joseph, MO. He had always lived in Knobnoster, MO. So it was hard to visit him as much as I liked cause it was a three hour drive. I always made a effort to at least call him once a week and check in to make sure he was doing ok.  I always asked how he was doing, if he had done anything exciting that week, and how life in general was treating him. He always replied “ I’m great sweetheart and How are you?” I would go on to tell him how my week was.
As I got older, and could drive on my own, I tired to visit him and least twice a month. Since his visits started getting less. I was made sure to check in and make sure he was doing ok.
When I was about 17 his health started going down hill very quickly and this worried me very much. I felt like I was always worrying> the thought of what if something happens to him and no ones there. I thought about it all the time and finally told my mom she should talk him to moving here. Where he could be close to his family. My mom finally convinced him to move him so we could look after him. In the spring of 2008 he moved up here to live with my mother. Where she could look after him. It was just like when I was a little girl, but got the experiencing of seeing him everyday and it was great. I felt stressed relieved off my shoulders cause I knew everything was going to be ok.
In the winter of 2009, He and my father got into and argument causing him to move back to Knobnoster. I was devastated. I didn’t want him to go anywhere. I knew the stress would soon be back of me worrying so much about him. It didn’t last long though. My mom started getting phone calls every other day saying that he was back in the hospital and could no longer take care of his self any longer. I Could take it any longer I needed him to be up here so we could look after him and make sure he was getting the care he needed. He refused and refused and just kept telling us that he would die down there alone.
My mom finally got power of attorney. She informed him that he had two options, one was to move back to Saint Joseph, or two be put in a nursing home. Sure enough he decided to move back here. The end of July, me and my father went to Knobnoster, packed his stuff and moved him here. Where he now stays with my uncle, where we all pitch in and help take care of him.
Now he is delusional and hardly ever knows what he is doing or what is going on, but its still just like I was I a little girl. We still make our weekly phone calls. I still ask him how he’s doing, if he had done anything exciting and how life in general is treating him. He always replies I’m great sweetheart and how are you? No matter how rough his week was and I know that he had it rough he always wants me to think he’s great.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Letter of introduction

            My name is Krista Heastan. Im twenty-five years old. I was born and raised in Saint Joseph, Missouri. Where I later attended Benton High School and graduated in May of 2004.
           Right after high school, I got pregnant with my first son. i decided that i needed to make a furture for me and him. I enrolled in cosmetology in the fall of 2005. When I then went on the get my cosmetology license.
           I now work at Knockouts Hair salon. I also work for the YMCA. I have worked there for 3 years in childcare, I love working with childern and getting to see my own everyday. I also love being a stylist. I love doing hair just dont feel that is what i want to do for the rest of my life. That is why I have decided to further my education and get my degree in elementary education with a emphis in special education.
           I have three little boys. Their names are Javon, Tay'Shon and Kavion. They are five, three and one. I adore them, they are my life and the reason I want to make the best life for them as i can.
         I have four sister and one brother. I have a handful of neices and nephews. I love being an aunt.
        As far a reading and wrtting goes im not a big fan of it. I only do what I have too. I love reading magazines. Im always ready and willing to learn new things. I would also love to read outside of school if i could find the time.